"It quickly became this archaeological discovery, pulling things out one of the jokes I'd make, we'd talk about restoring a beautiful beloved car, but then it quickly turned into sure, if that car was buried in cement, and every time you tried to clear off some of the cement you were worried about dinging the paint or ripping off a mirror." "One of the first questions is, if we're remastering this, what does that look like, and what does it mean to us," says Mac Walters, Mass Effect Legendary Edition's project director and a longtime BioWare developer.

At one point there were discussions about pursuing a more ambitious route, technologically speaking, but that would have put BioWare in a position where, essentially, the games were being rebuilt from scratch. That aside, there are no big changes to the adventure itself. I always hated the way this thing drove, so good news.

Finally, and perhaps most-wanted of all, the handling of the Tonka-like Mako surface vehicle has been overhauled. On the last point, for example, you'd commonly take cover in that game and get a brief view of the interior of Shepard's skull: no more. The game's UI and various interfaces have been overhauled, and combat and exploration brought in-line with the sequels' improvements: better aiming, squad controls, team AI, and camera positioning. This makes sense, as the first game was more of an RPG and the sequels greatly improved the combat: so Mass Effect 1 is receiving something of a rework. The original Mass Effect game has received a more substantial touching-up than Mass Effect 2 and 3, primarily around the combat system and UI. We're still working on an in-depth technical analysis and review, so we'll have more to say soon. Now that the remasters are out, players are putting them to the test: Many of the Steam user reviews are positive so far, although there are some technical complaints. (Image credit: EA / Bioware.) Is Mass Effect Legendary Edition worth it?